Akshay Kumar, known for his strict adherence to punctuality, left the set of Bigg Boss 18 without filming his segment for the grand finale due to Salman Khan’s delayed arrival. The actor was on the show to promote his upcoming movie Sky Force alongside co-star Veer Pahariya. However, Akshay had to leave after waiting for an hour because of prior commitments.
What Happened on Set?
The finale of Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Salman Khan, was scheduled to feature Akshay and Veer as part of the promotions for their film. Akshay arrived on set at 2:15 PM and waited until 3:15 PM for Salman, who was reportedly late due to other obligations. After waiting for an hour, Akshay decided to leave without participating in the shoot. Veer Pahariya continued with the planned segment.A source revealed that Akshay had a trial screening for Jolly LLB 3 in his schedule and could not wait any longer. Despite requests from the production team to reschedule, Akshay’s packed calendar made it impossible for him to return.
Professional Exchange Between Akshay and Salman
Although they missed meeting on set, Akshay and Salman reportedly spoke afterward. Akshay explained his need to leave due to prior commitments, and Salman expressed hope that they could collaborate on the show in the future.
About Bigg Boss 18 Finale
The finale episode of Bigg Boss 18, which marks the conclusion of a 105-day season, features finalists Karan Veer Mehra, Avinash Mishra, Eisha Singh, Vivian DSena, Chum Darang, and Rajat Dalal. It is set to air at 9:30 PM on Colors TV and Jio Cinema.This incident highlights Akshay Kumar’s reputation for discipline and time management while juggling multiple professional responsibilities. Fans of both stars will have to wait for another opportunity to see them together on-screen.
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bahan ke… tumhe pata nahi hai kya ki vivian bro hi real or deserving winner had tumhe apne pyare insaan ki kasam vote karo sab
Rajat dalal os karan
Please vote for for Rajat Dalal last 3 hours
who got highest votes